Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I was sprinting sidestep past the big giant Blob. If you get tagged you will be cursed forever from Bob the Blob. Life and death situation we got going here. I'm running, the Blob is expanding its getting harder to dodge this is the time I have to do it. 
“Do what, commando do what?” 
"It!!! The plan when the Blob is getting too big to handle. We charge at them sprinting as fast as we can then we duck as low as we can and then we slide under them but only once because if we do it too much it will be too easy for them to read. Okay 3 2 1 GO!!!" 
We did it. Now what? We're probably going to get to get tagged. Awesome. Look give it a go commando. Do what you think is best to keep you going just do not get tagged. Look if you can make a stunner and jump over the Blob. 
“Okay here goes nothing." I make a huge leap onto the Blob. What happened was I didn’t leap high enough and I hit the Blob and tripped on someone's head. I am sure they will let me know who they were. Anyway it was a disaster but guess who was the last man standing. That's right it was ME!!! Maybe I did fail but I tried and that is how I won.                                                


  1. Sounds fun Broody,
    That fall must hurt.What was your highlight
    of the game?

  2. Cool Brody That sounds AWESOME. Great job. I like it how you said you made a good leap over the people. Who was the person you jumped over?

  3. Cool Brody :)

    Your story is awesome how you sidestep and dodge from the Blob, named Bob.

    That video is so funny.

  4. Awesome Brody!
    Its packed with action right from the start.
    Its filled with really good words too.

  5. Great Brody
    Great writing
    I like that you put the video on there too!
    What is your favourite part of playing blob?

  6. That's some nice blob righting you have there!
    Was it fun?
    How did you jump?

    Sincerely, Teva Tait.

  7. Awesome job Brody. I loved the beginning. What is your favorite part?
