Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My ending for the Great White Man Eating Shark

My ending for the Great White Man Eating Shark.

Norvin’s strapped and ready at Caramel Cove to shoot through the water like a silver arrow. Let’s scare some people smirks Norvin. So he dives right into the water. Norvin sees Mrs Scorpio and he swims right up next to her. She screams for her life “Shark Shark” everybody out of the water.

Nobody even cares, they all think Mrs Scorpio is nuts. So they don’t even bother listening they keep on having fun and Mrs Scorpio is left to be eaten by Norvin. Mrs Scorpio is about to be bitten but she sees Norvin’s feet kicking out of the water. She pulls Norvin’s fin right off of him. She is so cross with Norvin she tells his Mummy on him.

So he is either banned from Carmael Cove beach or some security guards have to check him for any dangerous weapons or things that will annoy others. So Norvin chooses to be checked so he can still go swimming and Mrs Scorpio is still unhappy because Norvin still gets to swim.     

The end!!!






  1. Awesome story Brody.
    I really like your ending it has got some great words in it.

  2. Awesome story Brody. I love the word smirk.

  3. Awesome! Brody, I like the part when she says "Im going to tell your mummy on you".
