Friday, June 22, 2012

How roast turkey was invented

Here is my story

Back in 1798 roast turkey was invented. There wasn’t a lot of food back then plus they were too busy having riots instead of finding food.

Anyway once upon a riot a turkey decided to join in. There happened to be a lot of pitchforks in this riot they didn’t see this turkey come in. In the riot they were pumping their fists and everything one guy dropped his pitchfork on the turkey. They just left it because they were too dumb to think to cook it. So it laid there to die.

Days and days and days later so many days the turkey was on his last leg. Literally, he only had one leg left. The other one fell off. The turkey was trying to gobble on with life but that stupid man burnt him. Now he is about to die. I can’t imagine how depressed he is right now.

The turkey is now dead but this one man named Bob discovered the turkey. he said “hey this thing looks edible”. So guess what, he ate the proximity 2 to 3 week old turkey. he didn’t care because he discovered new food for the world and besides there were riots over there being nothing to eat but he got something.

And here's another thing he was the one that dropped the pitchfork on the turkey so he I suppose he gets to eat it.

The End!!!
If you like these stories and you want more... Don’t worry there will be more.                                              


  1. Great job Brody I cant wait to read more. Maybe next time they have a riot over no more turkeys.

  2. Awesome story Brody. I like how that you put once upon a riot. I love it.

  3. Amazing Brody,
    It is so cool how you turn a idea in your notebook into amazing.

  4. Great writing Brody.
    This is a really funny piece of writing. It is a very good imaginative writing:)
    Well done!

  5. Cool Brody!
    You must have a mind full of storys.
    This writing was really funny!

  6. You are a good storyteller, Brody.

    I look forward to reading more of these stories. I like how you have a relax and read or write label!

  7. Great Brody
    My favourite part of the story is “hey this thing looks edible”. A very funny story Brody!
    Keep up the great work!
